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Het doel is om studenten onder intensieve begeleiding op te leiden tot het behalen van hun Vsbo-Tkl, Havo en/of Vwo diploma. Verder streven we ernaar dat de leerlingen zelfstandige, sociaal vaardige burgers worden in onze samenleving. We streven er ook naar om onze studenten zo evenwichtig mogelijk te ontwikkelen, zodat ze in hun latere leven rechtschapen opvattingen en beslissingen kunnen nemen.

Indien nodig zullen we de antroposofische gedachtegang gebruiken om bij te dragen aan de totale opleiding van de studenten.


Het bestuur van de school is in handen van de Stichting Onderwijsinstituut Omega en mevrouw M. Lacroes is directeur ad. Interim en tevens voorzitter van de examencommissie.

Het bestuur is tevens het bevoegd gezag. Een exemplaar van de bevoegdheden en statuten van de stichting ligt ter inzage bij de schooladministratie.


Our school is a day-afternoon school that runs under the Foundation

“Educational Institute Omega” falls.

Omega College strives to get the most out of the students, so that they leave school with a diploma that matches their abilities.


We offer students who cannot function in large groups and / or for one reason or another did not make it at another school, the chance to obtain a diploma. The school has small groups so that the teacher pays more attention to the students. In this way, the school becomes a bit of "a second home", an environment in which everyone can feel safe and feel encouraged.


The students are intensively supervised to obtain their Vsbo - TKL, HAVO or VWO diploma.

At all levels, the diploma is a goal, but also a step closer to further education and a good basis for a place in society.


We strive for the best for the students; the best also means that the student can be who he is and become what he wants. The school wants to help the student by listening to him or her and by offering education that is attractive to them and of the best quality.


We create quality together, parents, students and the school; Of course we also want the students to commit themselves fully to their development. Together we get the very best out of it.


Omega College builds a bridge for its students to a promising future. We want to contribute to the education of our students into people who take responsibility for themselves and for others and who are committed to the quality of life and sustainability of society.


We work and learn in a warm school climate that is characterized by mutual respect, shared responsibility and willingness to learn.


Our school therefore provides challenging education that stimulates students to learn through meaningful content and fascinating assignments. The students and learning are the starting point of the learning process. As a school, we want to challenge our students to continue to actively develop, with the aim of further developing them into responsible young people.


We summarize the vision of Omega College in five points:

  • It's about you;

  • you mainly learn for yourself;

  • here you are at home;

  • school we are together;

  • education for this time.

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